Thursday, December 19, 2013

Calling all Leaders….Yes that means YOU

You can change your world by changing your words...
Hey Leader, Yes YOU!!  Everyone is a leader. Have you ever taken the time to stop and think of leadership outside the scope of work or in terms other than the boss, the senior partner, the doctor….the person in charge? Rather, how much do you contribute to the experiences you have in your life?  Are we each not leaders of our own lives?  As we enter into the holiday season, the most memorable gifts are often the intangible things. How awesome would it be if everyone was to gift themselves with a purpose of being positive in actions and in words? A simple gift to oneself can be life changing. Leading from within and being committed to making one positive connection with someone each day is something that cost nothing, yet its return is priceless and positively contagious. 

I have recently been asked to attend a course to be powerful in communication. Often we communicate without a cognitively determined positive output. We say what we are told to say, say what we think we are expected to say or respond on impulse to a stimulus regardless of the impact it leaves on the receiver. Instead, to challenge oneself in being socially responsible for words and actions and having a consciously positive attitude can make the difference in how the world occurs to us and how we show up to the world. Research shows that how someone is left feeling in the conversation immediately prior, is how they show up to the conversation with you. YOU as the leader can change this from all sides of the equation. You control how you feel and you can choose to not interpret the information as negative. Therefore, with conscious awareness you can control how you show up to that next person and you can stop the cycle by inputting positive into the world when negative is rapidly approaching.  
Communication or rather miscommunication is often the breakdown in leadership. Albeit leadership comes in many facets, whether it’s leading our own lives, leading the lives of others, or simply being led by another, being powerful in communication with a positive selfless end-in-mind is critical for sustainable and effective leadership. 

Conscientiousness is the act of analyzing a situation and deliberation is the act of responding accordingly in a rational manner. Often we can "see" what's wrong and don't move on to the positive action as we follow-through. Act with deliberation and you will find your communications are powerful. We have the choice to change lenses and having high emotional intelligence can help you lead a happier life. We have the ability to balance our needs with those of others, take initiative, to pull back on impulsivity and be attuned to other people's emotions and concerns. By being conscious in communication and being positive, you will have the ability to get along well with others and manage internal conflict.

How we communicate to others and the lens in which we receive information is within our individual control. Be the best Leader to You and to others.  Lead your life in 2014 with conscious positive and powerful communication--Be Happy!